What is a Nudibranch?
Nudibranchs are soft-bodied, marine gastropod mollusks belonging to the group of sea slugs, they are a common sight in Western Australian waters. These vibrant creatures are known for their vivid and colorful appearance, making them a popular subject for underwater photography and diving.
The term "nudibranch" is derived from the feathery structures on their backs, which are exposed to the surrounding water and used for respiration. These naked gills give nudibranchs their distinctive appearance.
Nudibranchs can be found in a diverse range of shapes, sizes, and colours and are carnivorous, feeding on a variety of prey, such as sponges, anemones, and other sea slugs.
In Western Australian waters, nudibranchs play a vital role in marine ecosystems and contribute to the region's biodiversity. Their unique appearance and fascinating behaviour make them a favourite among divers and underwater enthusiasts.
The Nudibranch hooded towels made by Sandy Toes Beachwear are designed from photos taken of Nudibranchs in Western Australia (Busselton Jetty, Rottnest Island, Abrolhos Islands and Ningaloo Reef).
*Pictured is our very own Western Australian Nudibranch (Westralias Chromodoris) and my thumb as a size guide (this little specimen would be approx 1.5-2cm in length). Photo taken at Point Picquet, Naturaliste, WA.